Straub, Douglas L, Richards, Geo A, Yip, M. J, Rogers, William A, Robey, Edward H1998<M-AIAA-98-3909>
National Diet Library
Richards, G. A, Yip, M. J1995<LS-DE95/015663>
National Diet Library
Richards, G. A, Gemmen, R. S, Yip, M. J1996<LS-DE96/013549>
National Diet Library
Gemmen, R. S, Richards, G. A, Yip, M. J, Norton, T. S1995<LS-DE96/002744>
National Diet Library
Richards, G. A, Yip, M. J, Robey, E, Cowell, L, Rawlins, D1995<LS-DE95/009548>
National Diet Library
Richards, G. A, Yip, M. J, Robey, E, Cowell, L, Rawlins, D1995<M-ASME-95-GT-224>
National Diet Library
RICHARDS, G.A.// GEMMEN, R.S.// YIP, M.J. (USDOE MORGANTOWN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CENTER, WV (UNITED STATES))United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1996.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingRICHARDS, G.A. GEMMEN, R.S. YIP, M.J.
RICHARDS, G.A.// YIP, M.J. (USDOE MORGANTOWN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CENTER, WV (UNITED STATES))United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1995.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingRICHARDS, G.A. YIP, M.J.
GEMMEN, R.S.// RICHARDS, G.A.// YIP, M.J.// NORTON, T.S. (USDOE MORGANTOWN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CENTER, WV (UNITED STATES))United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1995.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingGEMMEN, R.S. RICHARDS, G.A. YIP, M.J. NORTON, T.S.
RICHARDS, G.A.// YIP, M.J.// ROBEY, E.// COWELL, L.// RAWLINS, D. (USDOE MORGANTOWN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CENTER, WV (UNITED STATES))United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1995.
Other Libraries in Japan