Wenting Zhang, Dawei Zhao Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. [2024] <DF137-D29>
National Diet Library
Author Heading Zhang, Wenting Zhao, Dawei Dawei Zhao, Wenting Zhang Springer c2021
Other Libraries in Japan
Author Heading Zhao, Dawei Zhang, Wenting 張文婷 [著] [張文婷] [2013] <UT51-2013-P166>
National Diet Library
Author Alias Zhang, Wenting 新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科紀要編集委員会 編 新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科紀要編集委員会 1994- <Z6-B515>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Volumes of this title 赵甄陶, 张文庭, 周定之英译 ; 杨伯峻今译 = translated into English by Zhao Zhentao, Zhang Wenting , Zhou Dingzhi ; translated into modern Chinese by Yang Bojun 湖南人民出版社 2009
Other Libraries in Japan
赵甄陶, 张文庭, 周定之英译, 杨伯峻今译 湖南人民出版社 2009 <HB44-C18>
National Diet Library
National Institute of Infectious Diseases [1999]- <Z53-C450>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Volumes of this title