a novel by Patricia Hermes, from the screenplay by Robert Rodat, and Vince McKewin, retold by Karen HolmesPearson Education2008
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- Author Heading...y Robert Rodat and Vince McKewin retold by Karen Holmes series...
by Patricia Hermes ; from the screenplay by Robert Rodat and Vince McKewin ; retold by Karen HolmesPearson Education2008, c1998
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by Patricia Hermes from the screenplay by Robert Rodat and Vince McKewin ; retold by Karen HolmesPenguin1998
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a novel by Patricia Hermes ; from the screenplay by Robert Rodat and Vince McKewin ; retold by Karen HolmesPearson Education1999, c1998
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based on the autobiography by Bill Lishman ; screenplay by Robert Rodat and Vince McKewin ; produced by John Veitch and Carol Baum ; directed by Carroll BallardManufactured by Sony Pictures Entertainment (Japan)c1998
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inspired by a true story by Bill Lishman ; screenplay by Robert Rodat and Vince McKewin ; produced by John Veitch and Carol Baum ; directed by Carroll Ballardソニー・ピクチャーズ・エンタテインメント (発売)c1996
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