[by] Kobo Abe, translated by Donald KeeneTuttle Pub.[200-]<KH31-B7>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abe, translated by Juliet Winters CarpenterKodansha International1993, c1979<KH31-A28>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abe, translated from the Japanese by E. Dale SaundersKodansha International1993, c1969<KH31-A27>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abe, translated from the Japanese by E. Dale SaundersKodansha International1992, c1966<KH31-A26>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abe, translated by Juliet Winters CarpenterTuttle Publishing1981<KH31-B15>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
byKoboAbe ; translatedbyJulietWintersCarpenterVintage Books1989,c1988
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Headingby, Kobo, Abe translated, by, Juliet, Winte...
by Kobo Abé ; translated by E. Dale SaundersTuttle[2006?], c1969
Other Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abe ; translated from the Japanese by E. Dale Saunders ; with drawings by Machi AbéTuttle Publishing[2007]
Other Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abe ; [translated from the Japanese by E. Dale Saunders]Vintage Books2003
Other Libraries in Japan
byKoboAbeCharles E. Tuttle Co.1977
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Headingby, Kobo, Abe
by Kobo Abé, translated by E. Dale SaundersTuttle Publishing1967<KH31-B14>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abe, translated from the Jpanese by E. Dale Saunders, with drawings by Machi AbéTuttle1967, c1964<KH31-A16>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abé ; translated from the Japanese by E. Dale SaundersTuttle pub.2000
Other Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abe ; translated from the Japanese by E. Dale Saunders ; with drawings by Machi AbéTuttle Publishing2000
Other Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abe ; translated from the Japanese by Maryellen Toman MoriVintage Books1997
Other Libraries in Japan
by Kōbō Abe ; translated from the Japanese by Maryellen Toman MoriKnopf1996
Other Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abe, translated by E.Dale SaundersTuttle1973
Other Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abe, tr.by E.DAle SaundersCharles E.Tuttle1972
Other Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abe, translated from the Japanese by E. Dale Saunders, with drawings by Machi AbeVintage Books1972
Other Libraries in Japan
by Kobo Abe, translated by Dale SaundersTuttle1971
Other Libraries in Japan