MonikaLaimgruber ; byMaxBolligerNord‐Sud Verlagc1997
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- Author HeadingMonika, Laimgruber by, Max, Bolliger
a story by Max Bolliger ; illustrated by Peter SisHutchinson1983
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a story by Max Bolliger ; illustrated by Józef WilkońHutchinson1982
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story by Max Bolliger ; pictures by Stepan Zavrel ; translated [from the German] by Anthea BellAndersen Press1980
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a story by Max Bolliger ; with pictures by Fred BauerHamilton1974
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by Max Bolliger ; English version by Barbara Willard ; with pictures by Monika LaimgruberHamilton1975
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retold by Max Bolliger ; translated by Clyde Robert Bulla ; illustrated by Helga AichingerMethuen Children's Books1973
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retold by Max Bolliger ; translated by Clyde Robert Bulla ; with pictures by Helga AichingerCrowellc1972
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textbyMaxBolliger ; translatedbyRoseannaHoover ; picturesbyCelestinoPiattiThe Bodley Head1970
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Headingtext, by, Max, Bolliger translated, by, Roseanna, Hoo...
text by Max Bolliger ; translated [from the German] by Roseanna Hoover ; pictures by Celestino PiattiBodley Head1970
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by Max Bolliger ; translated and adapted by Roseanna Hoover ; with pictures by Jiří TrnkaAtheneumc1970
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Contributora story by Max Bolliger ; ill. by Peter Sís ; [transl...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Contributorby Max Bolliger ; with pictures by Jiři Trnka...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Contributoran ancient story retold by Max Bolliger. Translated by Clyde Robert B...