byRobertLeckieBallantine Books1972
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- Author Headingby, Robert, Leckie
by Robert LeckieDoubleday1970
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by Robert LeckieRandom Housec1969
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by Robert LeckieRandom Housec1965
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by Robert LeckieRandom Housec1963
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by Robert LeckieBantam Books1961, c1960
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Ryuji Nagatsuka ; translated from the French by Nina Rootes ; with an introduction by Robert LeckieMacmillan1974, c1973
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by James H. Belote, by William M. Belote, foreword by Robert LeckieHarper & Row1967
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Wilhelm Prüller ; edited by H.C. Robbins Landon and Sebastian Leitner ; with an introduction by Robert Leckie ; [English translation by H.C. Robbins Landon]Coward-McCann1963
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