EDITH NESBIT, Retold by John Escott, Illustrated by Rachel Birkett, Series Editor: Jennifer Bassett, Founder Editor: Tricia Hedge, Activities Editors: Jennifer Bassett, and Christine LindopOXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS2008
Other Libraries in Japan
Edith Nesbit ; retold by John Escott ; illustrated by Rachel BirkettOxford University Pressc2008
Other Libraries in Japan
AndersenH.C. ; illustratedbyRachelBirkettOxford University Press1985
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAndersen, H.C. illustrated, by, Rachel, Birkett
Edith Nesbit ; retold by John Escott ; illustrated by Rachel BirkettOxford University Press2000
Other Libraries in Japan
translated by L.W. Kingsland ; illustrated by Rachel BirkettOxford University Press1997
Other Libraries in Japan
Edith Nesbit ; retold by John Escott ; illustrated by Rachel BirkettOxford University Press1993
Other Libraries in Japan
Rosemary Sutcliff ; illustrated by Rachel BirkettPuffin1989
Other Libraries in Japan
David Fickling and Perry Hinton ; illustrated by Rachel BirkettPuffin1985
Other Libraries in Japan
translated by L. W. Kingsland ; illustrated by Rachel BirkettOxford University Press1985
Other Libraries in Japan