by the Brothers Grimm, translated by Edgar Taylor, pictures by Maurice SendakBodley Head1978
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atalefromtheBrothersGrimm ; atalefromtheBrothersGrimm ; translatedbyEdgarTaylor ; picturesbyMauriceSendakBodley Head1973
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- Author Headinga, tale, from, the, Brothers, Grimm translated, by, Edgar, Taylor pictures, by, Maurice, Sendak
[the Brothers Grimm] ; translated by Edgar Taylor ; illustrated by George CruikshankScolar Press1977
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translated by Edgar Taylor ; pictures by Maurice SendakFarrar, Straus & Girouxc1973
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[by the Brothers Grimm] ; translated by Edgar Taylor ; pictures by Maurice SendakBodley Head1974
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[by] Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm ; translated by Edgar Taylor ; illustrated by George CruikshankScolar Press1971
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Farrar, Straus & Giroux[1973]
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- ContributorTranslated by Edgar Taylor. Pictures by Maurice Sendak.
from the collection of MM. Grimm ; rebised translation by Edgar Taylor ; with illustrations from designs by George Cruikshank and Ludwig GrimmBell1901
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