astorybytheBrothersGrimm ; astorybytheBrothersGrimm ; withpicturesbyFelixHoffmannOxford University Pressc1979
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Headinga, story, by, the, Brothers, Grimm with, pictures, by, Felix, Hoffmann
with pictures by Felix HoffmannOxford University Pr1973
Other Libraries in Japan
with pictures by Felix HoffmannAtheneum1973
Other Libraries in Japan
with pictures by Felix HoffmannOxford University Pr1967
Other Libraries in Japan
astorybyBrothersGrimm ; withpicturesbyFelixHoffmann ; translatedbyPeterCollierOxford Univ. Press1967
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Headinga, story, by, Brothers, Grimm with, pictures, by, Felix, Hoffmann translated, by, Peter, Collie...
a story by the Brothers Grimm ; with pictures by Felix HoffmannOxford University Press1977
Other Libraries in Japan
a story by the Brother Grimm, with pictures by Felix HoffmannOxford University Pressc1963
Other Libraries in Japan
the story by the Brothers Grimm ; with pictures by Felix HoffmannOxford University Press1973
Other Libraries in Japan
a story by the Brothers Grimm, with pictures by Felix HoffmannOxford University Pressc196‐
Other Libraries in Japan
with pictures by Felix Hoffmann, Peter CollierOxford University Pr1959
Other Libraries in Japan
a story by the Brother Grimm, with pictures by Felix HoffmannOxford University Pressc1958
Other Libraries in Japan
a story by the Brothers Grimm, with pictures by Felix HoffmannHarcourt, Brace & World1970
Other Libraries in Japan
the story by the Brothers Grimm ; with pictures by Felix HoffmannOxford University Press1970
Other Libraries in Japan
the story by the Brothers Grimm ; with pictures by Felix HoffmannOxford University Press1967
Other Libraries in Japan
a story by the Brothers Grimm ; with pictures by Felix HoffmannHarcourt, Brace & Worldc1963
Other Libraries in Japan
a story by the Brothers Grimm ; with pictures by Felix HoffmannHarcourt, Brace1959
Other Libraries in Japan
by the Brothers Grimm with pictures by Felix Hoffmann ; [translated by Katya Sheppard]Oxford University Press1960
Other Libraries in Japan
a story by the brothers Grimm, with pictures by Felix HoffmannOxford University Pres1958
Other Libraries in Japan
a story by the Brothers Grimm ; with pictures by Felix Hoffmann ; translated by Peter CollierOxford University Press1959
Other Libraries in Japan
Oxford University press,1967, c1959.
Other Libraries in Japan
- ContributorA story by the Brothers Grimm with pictures by Felix Hoffmann ; Transl. by Peter Collier.