Jean-Paul Sartre ; edited, with a foreword by Wade BaskinCarol Pub.1997, c1993
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Jean-Paul Sartre ; translated from the French by John MathewsPantheon Books1974
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edited and introduced by Robert Denoon CummingVintage Books1972, c1965
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edited by Robert Denoon CummingMethuen1968, c1965
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Jean-Paul Sartre ; edited, with a foreword, by Wade BaskinCitadel Press1968, c1965
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Jean-Paul Sartre ; edited, with a foreword, by Wade BaskinCitadel Press1967, c1965
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Jean-Paul Sartre ; edited, with a foreword, by Wade BaskinCitadel Pressc1965
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Edited with a foreword by Wade BaskinPhilosophical Library1965
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edited by Robert Denoon CummingRandom Housec1965
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