[eindredactie, Liliane Dewachter ; redactie, Hilde Pauwels, Freya Torfs] = [final editing, Liliane Dewachter ; editors, Hilde Pauwels, Freya Torfs]Openluchtmuseum voor Beeldhouwkunst Middelheim : MUHKA1999
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The Henry Moore FoundationHenry Moore Foundationc1999
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herausgegeben von der Gerhard Marcks-StiftungGerhard Marcks-Stiftung1997
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The Galleryc1979.<K3-423>
National Diet Library
préface de Jacques ChessexGalerie Patrick Cramerc1991
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Galerie Patrick Cramer[1986]
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Galerie Patrick Cramer[1986]
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Galerie Maeghtc1983
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Marlborough Fine Art (London)[1983]
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William S. LiebermanThames and Hudson : Metropolitan Museum of Art1983
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text by W.J. StrachanB. Jacobson Galleryc1983
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by Edward H. TeagueMcFarland1981
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by John ReadG. Whizzard1979
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Alan G. WilkinsonArt Gallery of Ontarioc1979
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City of Bradford Art Galleries and Museums1978
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