Geri H. MalandraSri Satguru Publication1997
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Barbara Lipton and Nima Dorjee Ragnubs ; essay on Tibetan Buddhism by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. ; photographs by Geoffrey Clements ; foreword by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai LamaJacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art1996
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R.S. SinghRamanand Vidya Bhawan1993
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Geri H. MalandraState University of New York Pressc1993
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Asiatic Society1977.<K161-A4>
National Diet Library
Barry Till and/et Paula SwartArt Gallery of Greater Victoriac1989
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text and photographs by Carmel BerksonMapin Pub.1986
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Deborah E. Klimburg-Salter ; essays by Maximilian Klimburg ... [et al.]Published under the sponsorship of the UCLA Art Councilc1982
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Ariane MacDonald, Yoshiro Imaeda ; avec la collaboration de Dvags-Po Rinpoche et Yon-Tan Rgya-Mtsho, Anne-Marie Blondeau, Heather Karmay ... [etc.]Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient1977
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with introd. and notes by S. K. SaraswatiAsiatic Society1977
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[Konzeption und wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung der Ausstellung, Jeannine Auboyer, Gilles Béguin] ; [deutsche Bearbeitung, Helga Uebach]Réunion des musées nationaux[1977]
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