Caroline Joubert, Michel Melot, Valérie Sueur-Hermel.Somogyc2010.<K3-B784>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Sarah Lees, Richard R. BrettellPhilbrook Museum of Art2018
Other Libraries in Japan
Michel Melot ; translated from the French by Caroline BeamishYale University Pressc1996
Other Libraries in Japan
Michel MelotFlammarionc1994
Other Libraries in Japan
Metropolitan Museum of Art; distributed by New York Graphic Societyc1974.<KC314-A13>
National Diet Library
Metropolitan Museum of Art; distributed by New York Graphic Society[1974]<KC376-2>
National Diet Library
Roger PasseronWellfleet Press[1974]
Other Libraries in Japan
Roger PasseronOffice du Livrec1974
Other Libraries in Japan
Colta Feller IvesMetropolitan Museum of Artc1974
Other Libraries in Japan
Roger PasseronPhaidon Press1974
Other Libraries in Japan
Jean Leymarie ; Catalogue by Michel Melot ; [translated from the French by Jan Brenton]Thames and Hudsonc1972
Other Libraries in Japan
Jean Leymarie et Michel Melot ; œuvre complet, catalogue par Michel MelotArts et métiers graphiquesc1971
Other Libraries in Japan