エドヴァルド・ムンク [画], Marianne Yvenes, Ellen Lerberg, Oystein Ustvedt [編], Ryoko Tsuchiyama [訳]The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Designc2009<KC16-J1793>
National Diet Library
[editing, Nina Berre, Marianne Yvenes, Ole H. Gaudernack]National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design[2011]
Other Libraries in Japan
[National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design]c2011
Other Libraries in Japan
エドヴァルド・ムンク [画] ; editors, Marianne Yvenes, Ellen Lerberg, Øystein Ustvedt ; translation, Ryoko TsuchiyamaNational Museum of Art, Architecture and Designc2009
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[editors, Marianne Yvenes, Ellen Lerberg, Øystein Ustvedt]National Museum of Art, Architecture and Designc2008
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Matias FaldbakkenIkon Gallery[2009]
Other Libraries in Japan
[editors, John Peter Nilsson, Øystein Ustvedt, Marianne Yvenes ; managing editor, Teresa Hahr]National Museum of Art, Architecture and Designc2007
Other Libraries in Japan