byDavidHarrison ; illustrationsbyRonCarboniHearst Marine Booksc1993
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- Title HeadingHearst marine books sea hayaking basics
Hearst Marine Booksc1985.<A172-A12>
National Diet Library
Steve Ettlinger with Caroline Ajootian and Tom Gannon ; illustrations by Robert StrimbanHearst Marine Booksc1995
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Katie and Gene Hamilton ; illustrations by Christine EriksonHearst Marine Booksc1995
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David Harrison ; illustrations by Ron CarboniHearst Marine Booksc1995
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Melinda Allan ; illustrations by Ron CarboniHearst Marine Booksc1994
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Algis Steponaitis ; illustrations by Ron CarboniHearst Marine Booksc1994
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David Harrison ; illustrations by Ron CarboniHearst Marine Booksc1993
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Joe Skorupa ; illustrations by Ron Carboni ; Roy Attaway, contributing photographerHearst Marine Booksc1993
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George DayHearst Marine Books1992
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Tristan JonesHearst Marine Booksc1991
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John BockstoceHearst Marine Booksc1991
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by Brion Toss ; illustrations by Gae PilonHearst Marine Booksc1990
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by Elbert S. MaloneyHearst Marine Booksc1989
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Frank SherryHearst Marine Booksc1986
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edited by Nixon Griffis ; line drawings by Doreen SzczupielHearst Marine Booksc1985
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G.O.W. Mueller and Freda AdlerHearst Marine Booksc1985
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Ian DearHearst Marine Books1985
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Robert HendricksonHearst Marine Books1984
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Hearst Marine Books
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