TaihokuKotoShyogyoGakko ; Nanshi-NanyoKeizaiKenkyukaiNanshi-Nanyo Keizai Kenkyukai1938
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Nansi-nanyô keizai kenkyûkai, Taihoku College of Commerce1938.<特26-075>
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...ngo Suzuki, of Taihoku College of Commerce."-Introductory remarks.
Nansi-Nanyô Keizai Kenkyûkai, Taihoku College of Commerce1938.<016.99-T129b>
National Diet Library
Nansi-Nanyô Keizai Kenkyûkai, Taihoku College of Commerce1938.<100-714>
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Taihoku College of C1938
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The Library of the Taihoku College of Commerce1930.3<100-571>
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)Taihoku College of Commerce
[ed.by] Taihoku College of Commerce Nansi-Nanyo Keizai KenkyukaiTaihoku College of Commerce1938
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Taihoku College of Commerce1938
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compiled by Library of the Taihoku College of CommerceTaihoku College of Commerce1935
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- Author Heading薹北高等商業学校 Library of the Taihoku College of Commerce
compiled by Library of the Taihoku College of CommerceSouthern Asia Economic Research Associtation, Taihoku College of Commerce1933
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by Library of the Taihoku College of CommerceSouthern Asia Economic Research Association, Taihoku College of Commerce1933
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Southern Asia Econimic Research Association, Taihoku College of Commerce1933
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edited by the Library of the Taihoku College of CommerceLibrary of Taihoku College of Commerce[1929]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingTaihoku College of Commerce. Library
Library of the Taihoku College of Commerce[台北商業学校]Library of the Taihoku College of Commerce1930
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