Solon T. Kimball, Jacquetta H. Burnett, symposium organizers and co-editorsAmerican Ethnological Society : Distributed by the University of Washington Press[1973]
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Lee GuempleAmerican Ethnological Society; distributed by the University of Washington Pressc1972
Other Libraries in Japan
Robert F. Spencer, editor ; Leonard Kasdan, program chairmanAmerican Ethnological Society ; distributed by the University of Washington Press[1971, c1970]
Other Libraries in Japan
June Helm, editor ; Paul Bohannan and Marshall D. Sahlins, co-editorsAmerican Ethnological Society : Distributed by the University of Washington Press1965
Other Libraries in Japan
Viola E. Garfield, editor, Ernestine Friedl, coeditorAmerican Ethnological Society : Distributed by the University of Washington Press1964
Other Libraries in Japan