edited by K.M. BanerjeaBishop's College Press1865
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Maheśachandra NyāyaratnaBishop's College Press [printing press]1866-1887
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by K.M. BanerjeaBishop's College Press1862
Other Libraries in Japan
by Nehemiah Nílakaṇṭha Śástrí Gore ; translated from the original Hindí, printed and manuscript, by Fitz-Edward HallBishop's College Press1862
Other Libraries in Japan
by the late William Griffith ... Arranged by John M'ClellandBishop's college press1854
Other Libraries in Japan
by Ibn Hajar ; edited, in Arabic, by Mawlawies Mohammad Wajyh, ʾAbd-al-Haqq and Gholám Qádir, and A. SprengerPrinted by T. J. M'Arthur, Bishop's College Press1854-1888
Other Libraries in Japan
T.J, M'arthur, Bishop's College Press1852-
Other Libraries in Japan
by Ibn Hajar ; edited, in Arabic, by Mawlawies Mohammad Wajyh, ʾAbd-al-Haqq and Gholám Qádir, and A. SprengerAsiatic Society of Bengal1856-1888
Other Libraries in Japan
by William JamesonBishop's College Press1848
Other Libraries in Japan
translated from the original Sanscrit by E. RöerPrinted by T.J. M'Arthur, Bishop's College Press1853
Other Libraries in Japan
by William Griffith ; arranged by John M'ClellandBishop's College Press1847
Other Libraries in Japan
by the late William Griffith ; arranged by John M'ClellandBishop's College Press1847
Other Libraries in Japan
by Lieut. Colonel Lloyd and A. Campbell[Bishop's College Press][1845]
Other Libraries in Japan
by Alexander Cunningham[Bishop's College Press][1845]
Other Libraries in Japan
[Bishop's College Press][1845]
Other Libraries in Japan
[Bishop's College Press][1845]
Other Libraries in Japan
by J.D. Cunningham[Bishop's College Press][1844]
Other Libraries in Japan
[Bishop's College Press][1842]
Other Libraries in Japan
[Bishop's College Press][1841]
Other Libraries in Japan
by Arthur Conolly[Bishop's College Press][1841]
Other Libraries in Japan