Search results 101
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- Alternative TitleCLS 58 2022 Chicago Linguistic Society : fifty eight ......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS58
- Alternative TitleCLS 58 2022 Chicago Linguistic Society : fifty eight ......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS58
- Author HeadingFagen, Lucas Chicago Linguistic Society. Annual Meeting
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS57 Proceedi......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS57 Proceedi......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Author HeadingAitha, Akshay Castro, Steven Wilson, Brianna Chicago Linguistic Society. Annual Meeting
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS56 : procee......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS56 : procee......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Author HeadingHewett, Matthew Chicago Linguistic Society. Annual Meeting
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS55 Proceedi......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS55 Proceedi......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Author HeadingEren, Ömer Giannoula, Asimina Gray, Sam Chicago Linguistic Society. Annual Meeting
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS54 Proceedi......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS54 Proceedi......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Author HeadingRonai, Eszter Stigliano, Laura Sun, Yenan Chicago Linguistic Society. Annual Meeting
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS53 CLS 53 :......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS53 CLS 53 :......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Author HeadingChicago Linguistic Society. Annual Meeting Chicago Linguistic Society Edmiston, Daniel Ermolaeva, M...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society was convened on April 23-25, ...
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS52 CLS 52 :......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS52 CLS 52 :......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, held April 23-25, 2015."--Ac...
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS51 CLS 51 :......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS51 CLS 51 :......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS), which took place at th...
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS50 CLS 50 :......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Alternative Title...meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS50 CLS 50 :......meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingChicago Linguistic Society. Regional Meeting Aparicio, H...
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- Author HeadingChicago Linguistic Society. Annual Meeting Abrego-Collie...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingChicago Linguistic Society. Annual Meeting Bertrama, And...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleCLS47 : proceedings of the Forty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS47
- Alternative TitleCLS47 : proceedings of the Forty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS47
- Author HeadingChicago Linguistic Society. Annual Meeting Abrego-Collie...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title...Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS 46-2 : the parasessions
- Alternative Title...Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS 46-2 : the parasessions
- Author HeadingChicago Linguistic Society. Annual Meeting Baglini, Rebe...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title...Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS 46-1 : the main session
- Alternative Title...Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS 46-1 : the main session
- Author HeadingChicago Linguistic Society. Annual Meeting Baglini, Rebe...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title...Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS 45-1 : the main session C...
- Alternative Title...Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS 45-1 : the main session C...
- Author HeadingChicago Linguistic Society. Regional Meeting Chicago Linguistic Society Bochnak, M. Ryan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleLocality in language : papers from the 45th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Alternative TitleLocality in language : papers from the 45th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
- Author HeadingChicago Linguistic Society. Regional Meeting Chicago Linguistic Society Bochnak, M. Ryan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 46th (2010)-
- Alternative Title...Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society Locality in language. 45th (2...
- Alternative Title...Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society Locality in language. 45th (2...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitlePapers from the 43rd annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS 43-1 : the main session
- Alternative TitlePapers from the 43rd annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS 43-1 : the main session
- Author HeadingChicago Linguistic Society Chicago Linguistic Society. Annual Meeting Elliott, Malc...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitlePapers from the 43rd annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS 43-2 : the panels
- Alternative TitlePapers from the 43rd annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society CLS 43-2 : the panels
- Author HeadingChicago Linguistic Society Chicago Linguistic Society. Annual Meeting Elliott, Malc...