edited by Nicolas V. Iljine.Marquand Books[2013]<X>
National Diet Library
Roger MalbertD.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, Inc.2015
Other Libraries in Japan
introduction by Mika Brzezinski ; contributions by John Beardsley, Aneta Georgievska-Shine and Barbara RoseD.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, Inc.c2014
Other Libraries in Japan
editor, Ralph Goertz ; with texts by Ralph Goertz, Jorg Sasse and Joel MeyerowitzVerlag der Buchhandlung Walther Königc2014
Other Libraries in Japan
[edited by Justin McCann]Colby College Museum of Art2015
Other Libraries in Japan
[editor, Seán Kissane]Irish Museum of Modern Artc2013
Other Libraries in Japan
editor, Matthias Haldemann ; editing, Nicole Seeberger, Marco Obrist, Matthias Haldemann ; introduction, Matthias Haldemann ; a dialogue with Ilya Kabakov by Matthias HaldemannKerberc 2010
Other Libraries in Japan
essays by Colin B. Bailey ... [et al.]Sansom Foundation2011
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Mary Jane Jacob ; with essays by Paul Mendes-Flohr, W.J.T. Mitchell, Adam Zagajewski[The Gregg Museum of Art & Design][2011]
Other Libraries in Japan
[Christian Bertram & Erik de Jong [eds.] ; with contributions by Christian Bertram ... [et al.]Nai Pub.2008
Other Libraries in Japan
Thomas KelleinD.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, Inc.c2002
Other Libraries in Japan
Buchhandlung Walther König ;c2012.
Other Libraries in Japan