organised by A.C.H. Glasse, M.F. Kessler & R. Gonzalez Riestra ; edited by B.H. KaldeichEuropean Space Agencyc1989
Other Libraries in Japan
[compiled by W.R. Burke]European Space Agencyc1988
Other Libraries in Japan
European Space Agencyc1986
Other Libraries in Japan
compiled by Norman LongdonEuropean Space Agencyc1986
Other Libraries in Japan
sponsors : Accademia dei Lincei ...[et al.]European Space Agencyc1986
Other Libraries in Japan
[compiled by W.R. Burke]European Space Agencyc1986
Other Libraries in Japan
organised by the European Space Agency, 26-28 June 1984, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands ; [edited by T.D. Guyenne & J.J. Hunt]The Agencyc1984
Other Libraries in Japan
jointly sponsored by the European Science Foundation & the USA National Academy of Sciences, with the collaboration of the European Space Agency & the USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration, local organisation by the Austrian Solar & Space AgencyThe Agencyc1984
Other Libraries in Japan
sponsored by Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) European Space Agency, Swedish Space Corporation ; [compiled by Erica Rolfe & Bruce Battrick]The Agencyc1984
Other Libraries in Japan
organised jointly by ESA Directorate of Applications Programmes, ESA Technical Directorate ; [compiled by Bruce Battrick & Erica Rolfe]European Space Agencyc1984
Other Libraries in Japan
jointly sponsored by the Centre national d'etudes spatiales (CNES) and the European Space Agency (ESA), in cooperation with Aérospatiale, and held at Cannes, France, 18-20 September 1984 ; [compiled by W.R. Burke]European Space Agencyc1984
Other Libraries in Japan
compiled by W.R. BurkeEuropean Space Agencyc1983
Other Libraries in Japan
co-sponsors : the European Space Agency (ESA) & the Commission of the European Communities (CEC)European Space Agencyc1983
Other Libraries in Japan
European Space Agencyc1983
Other Libraries in Japan
compiled by B. Battrick & E.J. RolfeEuropean Space Agencyc1983
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by R. D. Wills & B. BattrickEuropean Space Agency1977
Other Libraries in Japan