[edited by Maria Pia Mannuci and Alessandro Minelli]Crescent Books : [Distributed by Outlet Book Company][1993]
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Crescent Books : distributed by Outlet Book Company1991
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Mark Twain ; illustrated in color by Peter Fiore, and in black and white by Edward W. KembleChildren's Classics1992
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text [by] Paolo Fontana ; design [by] Patrizia BaloccoCrescent Books ; distributed by Outlet Book Company, Inc.1991
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Philip Perry ; [photography, Eric and David Hosking]Crescent Books : distributed by Outlet Book Company1990
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Maurizio Bongianni & Concetta Mori ; illustrations by Piero Cozzaglio ; foreword by Catherine G. Sutton ; [translated by Julie Almond]Crescent Books1988, c1983
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by Albert Einstein ; based on Mein Weltbild, edited by Carl Seelig, and other sources ; new translations and revisions by Sonja BargmannBonanza Books[19--]
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by Albert Einstein ; based on Mein Weltbild, edited by Carl Seelig, and other sources ; new translations and revisions by Sonja BargmannWings Books[19--]
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