European Broadcasting Union <Z53-S410>
National Diet Library
Volumes of this title European Broadcasting Union c1993. <UC237-A62>
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Author Heading European Broadcasting Union . European Broadcasting Union <Z53-S410>
National Diet Library
Volumes of this title European Broadcasting Union [c1994]
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Author Heading European Broadcasting Union [editor, European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in collaboration with the Association of Commercial Television Europe (ACT) ... et al.] European Broadcasting Union c1993
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Author Heading European Broadcasting Union Association of Commercial Tel... by George Wedell and Philip Crookes with Alison Daws and Kerrie Ryan European Broadcasting Union c1991
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Note (General) ...request of the European Broadcasting Union with the support of European ... by J.D. Halloran and P.R.C. Elliott European Broadcasting Union 1970
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Author Heading Halloran, James D. (James Dermot) Elliott, Philip Ross Courtney European Broadcasting Union European Broadcasting Union Administrative Office of the European Broadcasting Union 1972-1982
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Alternative Title European Broadcasting Union review. Radio and television ... Alternative Title European Broadcasting Union review. Radio and television ... Author Heading European Broadcasting Union Volumes of this title Technical Center of the European Broadcasting Union Technical Center of the European Broadcasting Union [1958-1971]
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Volumes of this title European Broadcasting Union European Broadcasting Union 1954
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Author Heading European Broadcasting Union Volumes of this title European Broadcasting Union European Broadcasting Union 1950
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Author Heading European Broadcasting Union Volumes of this title European Broadcasting Union <Z59-D709>
National Diet Library
Volumes of this title European Broadcasting Union <Z54-J211>
National Diet Library
Volumes of this title