Published for the Historical Association of Tanzania by the East African Pub. House[1968]<GF143-14>
National Diet Library
by Aylward ShorterPublished for the Historical Association of Tanzania by the East African Pub. House1969
Other Libraries in Japan
Andrew Roberts (editor) ; contributors, Beverley Brock ... [et al.]For the Historical Association of Tanzania by the East African Pub. House1968
Other Libraries in Japan
Andrew Roberts, editor ; contributors, Beverley Brock ... [et al.]Published for the Historical Association of Tanzania by the East African Pub. House1968
Other Libraries in Japan
by J.E.G. SuttonPublished for the Historical Association of Tanzania by the East African Pub. House1968
Other Libraries in Japan
by Walter RodneyPublished for the Historical Association of Tanzania by the East African Pub. House1967
Other Libraries in Japan
by Edward A. AlpersPublished for the Historical Association of Tanzania by the East African Pub. House1967
Other Libraries in Japan
Published for the Historical Association of Tanzania by the East African Pub. House1966-
Other Libraries in Japan
by J.E.G. SuttonPublished for the Historical Association of Tanzania by the East African Pub. House1966
Other Libraries in Japan