Search results 14
National Diet Library
- Contents...フ Articles How the grouth of manufacturing ......ies influences human development. part 2 Khongs......a 著 Children's development and child-rear......著 IT use and fathe's involvement ...... Liu 著 Effects of playing massiv......laying game on the interpersonal networks of players Sachi ......著 Children and the internet in Ja......ira Sakamoto 著 The effect of mobile phone u......ira Sakamoto 著 The effect of video games on......i Kumazaki ほか著 The course of the professional life of female nurses ......o Nakamura 著 Fathers' perception ...... Disadvantages of approaching ch......lity education for children through the characte...
National Diet Library
- Contents...モノグラフ Articles The globalization of student assess......kashi Hamano 著 The education poli......on in children of international ...... Meichin Lee 著 The impact of an internation...... 著 What counts the most for early literacy...... Item analysis of the Japanese version of the generic health......elated quality of life questionnaire for children and a......usho 著 Effects of parental invol......iyomi Oshima 著 The internat and s......tion and drive for thinness adole......, Mika Omori 著 The effect of mobile phone 著 "We are the grass roots" H......著 Life history of Naito Masu Ats......Kato 著 A study of junior high school students' ...
National Diet Library
- education the case of Cambodia Takashi Hamano 著 The impact of early academic performance A longitudinal research of the environmental ......ctural changes of higher educati......uichi Takata 著 The evaluation of an internation......kashi Hamano 著 The growth of manufacturing ......oped countries for human development Khongsavang Xa......liminary study of the school and environment of Japanese junio......ra 著 Influence of moral educatio......zue Sakamoto 著 The expansion and improvement of student assist......nh Van 著 Using the new world heal......ards to Assess the nutrition status of Thai pres...
National Diet Library
- Contents...mi 著 Education development and economic g......uichi Takita 著 The effects of differences in......age systems on the acquisition of Chinese and 著 Probation for juvenile delinquents in the framework of community psyc......da 著 Exploring the mediators Japanese fathers' and mothers' availability to their children Kun......eport on each other? Ge Wang, Aki......d expectations for occupations Satomi Terasaki 著...
National Diet Library
- Contents... From identity theory to identification theory Kazue Sakam......n Hongwei Li 著 The impact of international ...... educational reform Takashi Hamano 著 Development of young children...... 著 Poverty and human development in Lao P.D.R. ...... Meichin Lee 著 The impact on academic ability of using of an e-learning ......ts Ge Wang ほか著 The effects of internet use o......Research notes The possibilities of creating a borderless society through lifelo......y education in the inner Mongolia autonomous reg...
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- Alternative TitleScience of human development for restructuring the "gap widening society" お茶の水女子大学グローバルCOEプログラム「格差センシティ...
- Alternative TitleScience of human development for restructuring the "gap widening society" お茶の水女子大学グローバルCOEプログラム「格差センシティ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...―EFA(Education for All)」,瀧田修一(お茶の......るEFA(Education for All)―理論と実際」,コメント:荒木美奈子(お茶の水女子...