Faubion BowersHermitage House1954print./c1952
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GeorgeR.Klare by ; ByronBuck by ; Klare,GeorgeRoger ; Buck,ByronHermitage House1954
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RudolfFlesch. seby ; Flesch,RudolfFranz.Hermitage House1953
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Hermitage House1954.<GB554-B94>
National Diet Library
Bela KornitzerHermitage Housec1952
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Hermitage House1954.<378.781-D295p>
National Diet Library
by S. HurokHermitage House1953<VA31-H9-2>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by Anton DolinHermitage House1953<VA31-M2-5>
National Diet Library
Hermitage House[1952]<792.0952-B786j>
National Diet Library
Hermitage House1949.<L-L716p>
National Diet Library
by P.D. OuspenskyHermitage House1955
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Elisabeth AchelisHermitage House1955
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W. David SieversHermitage House1955
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[by] George R. Klare and Byron BuckHermitage House1954
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Clarence R. Decker, Mary Bell DeckerHermitage House1954
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Hermitage House,1955.
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Chard Powers SmithHermitage Housec1954
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Harry DubinHermitage House1954
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by Phillips RogersHermitage House1954
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Michiro Maruyama ; translated [from the Japanese], with a foreword by Younghill KangHermitage House1954
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