Hodder & Stoughton for the English Universities Press[1949]<Y72-514>
National Diet Library
Pub. by Hodder & Stoughton for the English universities press1948.<907-R885u>
National Diet Library
by John Bourne ; introduction by Flora RobsonHodder & Stoughton for the English Universities Press1949
Other Libraries in Japan
by Caroline HaslettHodder & Stoughton for the English University Press[1949]
Other Libraries in Japan
by Alice BuchanHodder & Stoughton for the English Universities Press1948
Other Libraries in Japan
by C.V. WedgwoodPublished by Hodder & Stoughton for The English Universities Press1949
Other Libraries in Japan
by David B. QuinnHodder & Stoughton for the English University Press1947
Other Libraries in Japan
by Christopher HillHodder & Stoughton for the English Universities Press1947
Other Libraries in Japan
by Janko LavrinHodder & Stoughton for the English University Press1947
Other Libraries in Japan
by K.C. WhearePublished by Hodder & Stoughton for the English Universities Press[1948]
Other Libraries in Japan
Basil WilliamsHodder & Stoughton for the English Universities Press[1946]
Other Libraries in Japan
by James A. WilliamsonHodder & Stoughton for the English Universities Press1946 printing
Other Libraries in Japan
by J.B. TrendHodder & Stoughton for the English Universities Press1946
Other Libraries in Japan
by J. Hampden JacksonPublished by Hodder & Stoughton for the English Universities Press[1946]
Other Libraries in Japan