byPierred’Exideuil ; translatedfromtheFrenchbyFelixW.Crosse ; withanintroductionbyHavelockEllis.Humphrey Toulmin〔1930〕.
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Hubert GriffithGrant Richards and Humphrey Toulmin1929<VF8-4259>
National Diet Library
by Lionel McColvinHumphrey Toulmin1934
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by J. W. N. SullivanHumphrey Toulmin1934
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by Lionel McColvinHumphrey Toulmin1933
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by Lionel McColvinHumphrey Toulmin1933
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Pierre D'ExideuilHumphreyToulmin1929
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by John CoatmanHumphrey Toulmin1932
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by F. Ribadeau Dumas ; translated from the French by Frederic Whyte ; with a preface by Dorothy Richardson ; illustrations by Pierre PayenHumphrey Toulmin1932
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Charles DuffHumphrey Toulmin1930
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by Alfred Tresidder SheppardHumphrey Toulmin1930
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by Panait Istrati ; translated from the French by Anthony Thorne ; with an introd. by Romain RollandHumphrey Toulmin1930
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by Ben Turner ; with a foreword by J. Ramsay MacdonaldHumphrey Toulmin1930
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by Richard Le GallienneHumphrey Toulmin1930
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by J. Gordon HayesGrant Richards & Humphrey Toulmin[1929]
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by Henri Béraud ; translated and with a preface by Frederic WhyteGrant Richards and Humphrey Toulmin[1929]
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by W.F.M. Weston-WebbGrant Richards and Humphrey Toulmin1929
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Henri Béraud ; translated by Madeleine Boyd ; wood engravings by Bertrand ZadigGrant Richards and Humphrey Toulmin at the Cayme press1929
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Humphrey Toulmin
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