Okwui Enwezor ; curator's foreword by Helaine Posner ; essay by Hilton Als ; conversation with the artist, Isaac Julien and Thelma Golden ; preface by Shamim M. MominAbrams, in association with the American Federation of Arts2006
by Odile Nouvel-Kammerer ; essays by Anne Dion-Tenenbaum ... [et al.] ; entries by Sabrina Abron ... [et al.]Abrams in association with the American Federation of Arts2007
by Pratapaditya Pal with contributions from Ian Alsop, Heather Stoddard, and Valrae ReynoldsHudson Hills Press in association with the American Federation of Artsc1991
Joan Darragh and James S. SnyderOxford University Press in association with the American Federation of Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts1993
Ralph T. Coe ; edited by Irene Gordon ; photographs by Bobby HanssonUniversity of Washington Press in association with the American Federation of Arts1988, c1986
edited by Sidney Moko Mead ; text by Sidney Moko Mead ... [et al.] ; photographs by Athol McCredieAbrams in association with the American Federation of Artsc1984
Ralph T. Coe ; edited by Irene Gordon ; photographs by Bobby HanssonUniversity of Washington Press in association with the American Federation of Artsc1986
by Stephanie Terenzio ; a catalogue raisonné, 1943-1984 by Dorothy C. BelknapHudson Hills Press in association with the American Federation of Artsc1984