Thomas L. KuhlmanDow Jones-Irwin Dorsey Professional Booksc1984
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Marion Steininger, J. David Newell, Luis T. GarciaDorsey Press : Dow Jones-Irwin Dorsey Professional Booksc1984
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J. Daniel Couger, Loren E. ShannonR.D. Irwin, Dorsey Press1972
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Lorsch,Jay W. [et al.](ed.);Lawrence,Paul R. (ed.)R.D.Irwin & Dorsey Press1972
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edited by Fred Massarik and Philburn RatooshIrwin & Dorsey1965
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edited by Fred Massarik and Philburn RatooshIrwin & Dorsey1965
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by John A. Seiler ; with signal contributions by the following members of the Harvard Business School faculty, Douglas R. Bunker ... [et al.]R.D. Irwin : Dorsey1967
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J. Daniel Couger, Loren E. ShannonIrwin : Dorsey Press1968
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Alfred KuhnIrwin : Dorsey1963
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by William Foote Whyte and Edith Lentz Hamilton ; with the collaboration of Meredith C. WileyR.D. Irwin ; Dorsey Press1964, [i.e. 1965]
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Chris Argyris ; with a chapter by Roger HarrisonIrwin : Dorsey Press1962
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