M. Evans; distributed in association with Lippincott, Philadelphia[1969]<DK311-3>
National Diet Library
by Mildred Cooper and Kenneth H. CooperM. Evans; distributed in association with Lippincott, Philadelphia[1972]
Other Libraries in Japan
by Hal HellmanM. Evans; distributed in association with Lippincott, Philadelphia[1969]
Other Libraries in Japan
by Noel B. GersonM. Evans; distributed in association with Lippincott, Philadelphiac1968
Other Libraries in Japan
by Kenneth H. Cooper. With a foreword by Richard L. Bohannon and a pref. by William ProxmireM. Evans ; distributed in association with Lippincott, Philadelphia1968
Other Libraries in Japan
by Hal HellmanM. Evans : Distributed in association with Lippincott, Philadelphia[1968]
Other Libraries in Japan
[by] Benson Y. LandisM. Evans; distributed in association with Lippincott, Philadelphia[1964]
Other Libraries in Japan