by Raymond MoleyMacy-Masius1938
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a book by Allene Talmey ; with woodcut portraits by Bertrand ZadigMacy-Masius1927
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[Samuel Sewall] ; edited by Mark Van DorenMacy-Masius1927
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by Friedrich Gundolf ; authorized translation from the German by Jacob Wittmer HartmannMacy-Masius : Vanguard1928
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by Emery Balint ; trnslated from the Hungarian by Louis RittenbergMacy-Masius1927
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by Henry F. Pringle ; with a portrait frontispiece by Wilfred JonesMacy-Masius1927
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Harold A. LarrabeeMacy-Masius : Vanguard Press1928
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edited by F.P.A. in the New York WorldMacy-Masiusc1926
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introduction by Carl Van Doren, decorations by Rockwell KentPriv. pub. by Macy-Masius1927
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