by the editors of Better Homes and GardensMeredith Pub.c1960
Other Libraries in Japan
by the editors of Better homes and gardensMeredith Pub.c1965
Other Libraries in Japan
Meredith Pub. Co.1952.<630.973-S942n>
National Diet Library
by the editors Better Homes and GardensMeredith Pub.c1963
Other Libraries in Japan
ed. by Better Homes and GardensMeredith Pub. Co.c1961
Other Libraries in Japan
Meredith Pub., c19621962
Other Libraries in Japan
Philip R. Roen ; illustrated by Charles SternAppleton-Century-Croft, Division of Meredith Pub. Co.c1967.
Other Libraries in Japan
Donald Grunewald, Henry L. BassAppleton-Century-Crofts, Division of Meredith Pub.c1966
Other Libraries in Japan
James U. McNealAppleton-Century-Crofts/Meredith Pub. Co.c1966
Other Libraries in Japan
G. Alison RaymondAppleton-Century-Crofts, Division of Meredith Pub.1965
Other Libraries in Japan
J. Roswell GallagherAppleton-Century-Crofts, a division of Meredith Pub. Co.c1966
Other Libraries in Japan
by the editors of Better homes & gardensMeredith Pub. Co.c1959
Other Libraries in Japan
by the editors of Better homes and gardensMeredith Pub. Co.c1958
Other Libraries in Japan
by the editors of Better homes and gardensMeredith Pub. Co.c1957
Other Libraries in Japan
conducted for Better Homes & Gardens by Alfred Politz Research, IncMeredith Pub. Co.c1956
Other Libraries in Japan
Better Homes & GardensMeredith Pub.c1955
Other Libraries in Japan
conducted by Alfred Politz Research, Inc.Meredith Pub. Co.c1956
Other Libraries in Japan
Meredith Pub.
Other Libraries in Japan