Search results 136
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....urrows, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Frank Dandridge, ...
- Contents...n Gresh Henri Cartier-Bresson, "C......uromskis Color art photography's status in Life ...
- Note (General)...ibition at the Princeton University Art Museum, February 22-J......e 21, 2020 and Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, August 19-December ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingArt criticism Art -- History Ecology in art Ecocriticism Art and society --......ictorial works Art et société -- ......ages illustrés ART / General bisacsh Art and society fa......LC)fst01411628 Art criticism lcgft Critiques d'art rvmgf
- Subject Heading (ID)Art criticism Art -- History Ecology in art Ecocriticism Art and society --......ictorial works Art et société -- ......ages illustrés ART / General bisacsh Art and society fa......LC)fst01411628 Art criticism lcgft Critiques d'art rvmgf
- Note (General), Emily Gephart, De-nin D. Lee, Gregory Levin...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...tions Rocks in art -- Exhibitions Landscapes in art -- Exhibitions Cézanne, Paul,...
- Subject Heading (ID)...tions Rocks in art -- Exhibitions Landscapes in art -- Exhibitions Cézanne, Paul,...
- Note (General)...bition held at Princeton University Art Museum, March 7-June ......yal Academy of Arts, London, July 12-October 18,...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingDinners and dining in art -- Exhibitions Art, Chinese -- So......itions 展覧会カタログ Art, Chinese -- Song-Yuan dynasti...
- Subject Heading (ID)Dinners and dining in art -- Exhibitions Art, Chinese -- So......itions 展覧会カタログ Art, Chinese -- Song-Yuan dynasti...
- Note (General) in Chinese Art from the 10th ...... 14th Century, Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, New Jersey, O......nese culture, particularly visions of life and t...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...983 -- Library Princeton University. Library -- Exhibitions Persi...
- Subject Heading (ID)...983 -- Library Princeton University. Library -- Exhibitions Persi...
- Note (General)Manuscript bequeathed to Princeton University Library by Cla......83--P. 40 "The Princeton University Art Museum is delighted t......sharing one of Princeton's great treasures with the University community and ......e name held at Princeton University Art Museum 3 October 2015-24 January 201...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....s how American artists responded ......n years later. Artists Respond br......nd provocative artists of the per......nized American artists in and uses of art and compelling......n era in which artists struggled ......ent times and participated in a p......or throughout, Artists Respond fe......broad range of art, including pai......mance and body art, installation, documentary ci...
- in American art of the Vietnam......etnam story / Martha Rosler.
- Subject HeadingArt--Political asp......--Exhibitions. Art, American--20t......--Exhibitions. Art and war--Exhibitions. Art and society--U......--Exhibitions. ART / Art & Politics. ART / American / General. ART / History / Co......orary (1945-). ART / Popular Cult....../ Vietnam War. ART / Mixed Media.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... Literature in art -- Exhibitions......-- Exhibitions Art, Modern -- 20t......hibitions Male artists -- New York (State) -- Ne...
- Subject Heading (ID)... Literature in art -- Exhibitions......-- Exhibitions Art, Modern -- 20t......hibitions Male artists -- New York (State) -- Ne...
- Note (General)...bition held at Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, N. J., May 19...... 23, 2018; and Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville, Jacksonville, F...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingNature in art -- Exhibitions Art, American -- Exhibitions Art -- United States -- Exhibitio...
- Subject Heading (ID)Nature in art -- Exhibitions Art, American -- Exhibitions Art -- United States -- Exhibitio...
- Note (General)...tion: American art and environment; Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, New Jersey, O...... Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massac......rystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas, May 2...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...higusa and the Art of Tea in Japan, Princeton University Art Museum, October 11, 2014-February 1,...
- Author HeadingPrinceton University. Art Museum
Other Libraries in Japan
- ISBN0300229089 (Yale University Press) 094301221X (Princeton University Art Museum) 9780300229080 (Yale University Press) 9780943012216 (Princeton University Art Museum)
- Note (General)...m : the Newark Museum and photograph......d photographic art : Max Weber at......Ryan -- Saving art photography : ......the siderotype artistry of Claren......lection at the Princeton University Art Museum / Peter C. Bun......bition held at Princeton University Art Museum, October 7, 20......7, 2018; Davis Museum, Wellesley Col......2018; Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Mai......018; Cleveland Museum of Art, October 21, 2018-January 21,...
Other Libraries in Japan
- ISBN0300225938 (hardback ; Yale University Press) 0943012......8X (hardback ; Princeton University Art Museum) 9780300225938......ardback ; Yale University Press) 9780943......86 (hardback ; Princeton University Art Museum)
- Note (General), and Greek art and archeology...... century B.C., Princeton University Art Museum, March 4-June ......, 2017, Toledo Museum of Art, July 7-October 1, 2017. Incl...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...rd, 1925-2000--Art collections--E......worth Atheneum Museum of Art--Exhibitions. Art--Private colle......-Connecticut--Hartford--Exhibitions.
- Note (General)...worth Atheneum Museum of Art."
- Author HeadingWadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. Monroe, Erin....... Kevin. Tacoma Art Museum.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading展覧会カタログ Princeton University -- Buildings -...... New Jersey -- Princeton -- Exhibitions...... New Jersey -- Princeton -- History -- ...... New Jersey -- Princeton -- History -- ...... New Jersey -- Princeton -- Exhibitions
- Subject Heading (ID)展覧会カタログ Princeton University -- Buildings -...... New Jersey -- Princeton -- Exhibitions...... New Jersey -- Princeton -- History -- ...... New Jersey -- Princeton -- History -- ...... New Jersey -- Princeton -- Exhibitions
- Note (General)...bition held at Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, N.J., Feb. 25-June 24, 2012 ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... Island) -- In art -- Exhibitions 展覧会カタログ
- Subject Heading (ID)... Island) -- In art -- Exhibitions 展覧会カタログ
- Note (General)... Prints at the Princeton University Art Museum from September 25, 2010 throu...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...Impressionism (Art) -- Exhibition......impressionism (Art) -- Exhibition...... New Jersey -- Princeton -- Exhibitions......, 1895-1974 -- Art collections --......, 1901-1994 -- Art collections --...... New Jersey -- Princeton -- Exhibitions
- Subject Heading (ID)...Impressionism (Art) -- Exhibition......impressionism (Art) -- Exhibition...... New Jersey -- Princeton -- Exhibitions......, 1895-1974 -- Art collections --......, 1901-1994 -- Art collections --...... New Jersey -- Princeton -- Exhibitions
- Note (General) of European art from the Pearl......" at Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeolog...... 5, 2014, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Oct.......015, Vancouver Art Gallery, Feb. ...... 18, 2015, and Princeton University Art Museum, Sept. 12 2015-Jan. 3, 2016" ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingEnvironment (Art) Environment (Art) -- Case studi...... Site-specific art Site-specific art -- Case studies
- Subject Heading (ID)Environment (Art) Environment (Art) -- Case studi...... Site-specific art Site-specific art -- Case studies
- Note (General)"Distributed by Yale University Press New Have......dy's Propaty : Art, Land, Space, ......ganized by the Princeton University Art Museum, on view October 23, 2010 thr...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...on view at the Princeton University Art Museum from October 6, 2012, through...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPrinceton University. Art Museum -- Catalogs Glassware, Ancien...
- Subject Heading (ID)Princeton University. Art Museum -- Catalogs Glassware, Ancien...
- Author HeadingAntōnaras, A. (Anastasios) White, Bruce M. Princeton University. Art Museum
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingDecorative arts -- China -- H...... -- Congresses Art, Chinese -- Qin-Han dynasties...
- Subject Heading (ID)Decorative arts -- China -- H...... -- Congresses Art, Chinese -- Qin-Han dynasties...