by Bádaráyaṉa : with the commentary of Śankara Áchárya and the gloss of Govinda Ánanda ; edited by Ráma Náráyaṇa VidyáratnaPrinted by C.B. Lewis, at the Baptist Mission Press1863
कतिपयपण्डितानां साहाय्यमवलम्ब्य श्री राजेन्द्रलाल-मित्रेण परिशोधितं = edited by Rājendralāla Mitra, with the assistance of several learned PaṇḍitasPrinted by C.B. Lewis, at the Baptist Mission press1859-
कतिपयपण्डितानां साहाय्यमवलम्ब्य श्रीराजेन्द्रलाल-मित्रेण परिशोधितं = edited by Rājendralāla Mitra ; with the assistance of several learned PaṇḍitasPrinted by C.B. Lewis, at the Baptist Mission Press1859-1890