Johannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the manuscripts with critical and historical notes and with an appendix de differentia inter peccatum mortale et veniale by Johann Loserth and F.D. MatthewPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1922
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Johannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the manuscripts with critical and historical notes by Johann LoserthPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1913
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Johannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the MS. B. 16, 2. tr. Coll., Cambridge by Michael Henry DziewickiPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1909
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Johannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the Manuscripts with critical and historical notes by Johann LoserthPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1907
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Johannis Wyclif ; now first edites from the MSS. Univ. Prag. IV. H. 9., and III. G. 10. by Michael Henry DziewickiPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1905
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John Wyclif ; now first edited from the Manuscripts with critical and historical notes by Rudolf BuddensiegPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1905-1907
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Johannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the MS. C.C.C. 103, Cambridge, and the Stockholm MS. (A.D. 1398.) by Michael Henry Dziewicki ; with an essay on Wyclif's philosophical systemPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1902
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Iohannis Wyclif ; with critical and historical notes by Johann LoserthPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trübner1900-
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Iohannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the Vienna MSS. 4536, 1622, 4504, 4515, 3927,and 1343 ; from the Prague MS. X. E9. and the Trinity College (Dublin) MS. C. 1. 24. by Herzberg-Frānkel and Michael Henry DziewickiPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1898
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Iohannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the manuscripts with critical and historical notes by Iohann LoserthPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1895-1896
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Johannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the Vienna & Prague MSS. (Vienna 4352; Univ. Prag. V. E. 14) by Michael Henry DziewickiPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1893-1899
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Iohannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the Vienna MS. 4514 with critical and historical notes by Michael Henry DziewickiPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1893
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Iohannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the manuscripts with critical and historical notes by Iohann LoserthPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1892
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Joannis Wiclif ; for the first time edited by Rudolf BeerPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1891
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Iohannis Wycliffe ; edited by Reginald Lane PoolePublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1890
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Iohannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the manuscripts with critical and historical notes by Iohann LoserthPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1890
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Iohannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the Vienna MSS. 1343 and 3935 by Michael Henry DziewickiPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1889
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Iohannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the manuscripts with critical and historical notes by Iohann LoserthPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1888
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Iohannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the Vienna MSS. 4514 and 3933 by Alfred W. Pollard and Charles SaylePublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1887
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Iohannis Wyclif ; now first edited from the manuscripts with critical and historical notes by Iohann LoserthPublished for the Wyclif Society by Trubner1887
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