Erwin Wurm ; Simon Baker, Laurie Hurwitz ; Maison Européenne de la PhotographieRVB books[2020]
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[artiste, Aladin Borioli ; texte, Ellen Lapper and Aladin Borioli ; traduction, Jean-François Cornu and Ellen Lapper]RVB Booksc2020
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[curator: Simon Baker, Laurie Hurwitz]MEP[2019]
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Thomas Mailaender ; [edited by Léa chauvel-Lévy]RVB Books[2016]
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Alexandre Guirkinger, Tristan GarciaRVB Books[2016]
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[photographs by] Tomoko SawadaRVB Books2015
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[text and concept by] Luce LebartRVB books2017
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Walter PfeifferECALc2015
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Thomas Mailaender ; editing, Thomas Mailaender, Timothy Prus, Kalev Erickson, Rémi FaucheuxArchive of Modern Conflict[2014?]
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