by M. R. Johnson and F. G. Le RouxRepublic of South Africa, Dept. of Mineral and Energy Affairs, Geological Survey : Obtainable from the Govt. Printerc1994
South African Institute of Engineering Geologists in collaboration with the Geological Survey of South Africa = Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut van Ingenieursgeoloë in samewerking met die Geologiese Opname van Suid-AfrikaRepublic of South Africa, Dept. of Mineral and Energy Affairs1989-
by N. Keyser and C.P. Du PlessisRepublic of South Africa, Dept. of Mineral and Energy Affairs, Geological Survey : Obtainable from the Govt. Printerc1993
South African Committee for Stratigraphy = Suid-Afrikaanse Komitee vir stratigrafieRepublic of South Africa, Dept. of Mineral and Energy Affairs, Geological Survey1987-
South African Committee for Stratigraphy = Suid-Afrikaanse Komitee vir StratigrafieRepublic of South Africa, Dept. of Mineral and Energy Affairs, Geological Survey