Kenneth Grahameby, E. H., Mitsumasa Obataed. with notes by, Motoi Yokooed. with notes byTHE SHINOZAKI SHORIN PRESS1986.1
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KennethGrahame∥by, E.H.SHEPARD∥, MitsumasaObata∥ed.withnotedby, MotoiYokoo∥ed.withnotedbySHINOZAKI SHORIN PRESS1986.1
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Willie Jones ; edited with notes by Nobukatsu TakahashiShinozaki Shorin Press1983
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Laurence pringle ; edited with notes Michio YoshikawaShinozaki Shorin Press1983
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A.Akmajian, R.A.Demers, R.M.Harnish ; Edited with notes by Kenichi Mihara Hiromichi OgawaThe Shinozaki Shorin Press1981.12
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