Social Research Center, University of Santo Tomasc1992
Other Libraries in Japan
UST Social Research Center ; foreword by Mita Pardo de TaveraSocial Research Center, University of Santo Tomasc1989
Other Libraries in Japan
[by] Fausto Gomez ; foreword by Teodoro Bacani , Maximo MarinaSocial Research Center, University of Santo Tomasc1988
Other Libraries in Japan
by Fausto Gomez ... [et al.] ; preface by Jaime Sin ; postface by Norberto CastilloSocial Research Center, University of Santo Tomas1986
Other Libraries in Japan
UST Social Research Center ; [written by Rey R. Romero]Social Research Center, University of Santo Tomasc1986
Other Libraries in Japan
Social Research Center, University of Santo Tomás1982
Other Libraries in Japan
Social Research Center, University of Santo Tomas
Other Libraries in Japan
Social Research Center, University of Santo Tomas198-
Other Libraries in Japan