Published by Kodansha International in cooperation with the International Exhibitions Foundation and the Japan Foundation1978.<KB216-5>
National Diet Library
Douglas Lewis ; organized and circulated by the International Exhibitions Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1981-1982The International Exhibitions Foundationc1981
Other Libraries in Japan
by Karen WilkinG. Braziller in association with the International Exhibitions Foundationc1984
Other Libraries in Japan
Yale University Press for the International Exhibitions Foundation, Washington, D.C. and the Courtauld Institute Galleries, London1987
Other Libraries in Japan
introduction by Alfred Hentzen ; organized and circulated by the International Exhibitions FoundationProduced for the International Exhibitions Foundation by Garamond/Pridemark Pressc1980
Other Libraries in Japan
Organized and circulated by the International Exhibitions Foundation, in cooperation with the Japan Foundation1978-1979
Other Libraries in Japan
introduction and catalogue by Victor and Takako HaugePublished by Kodansha International in cooperation with the International Exhibitions Foundation and the Japan Foundation1978
Other Libraries in Japan