Philip LindsayThe Philosophical Library1954
Other Libraries in Japan
John O'Dwyer, Raymond Le MageThe Philosophical Library1950
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E.Radford, M.A.RadfordThe Philosophical Library1949
Other Libraries in Japan
MAXIM NEWMARK,Ph.D./edThe Philosophical Library1948
Other Libraries in Japan
PhilipLawrenceHarriman...editor,withtheassistanceofGraydonLaVerneFreeman...GeorgeW.Hartmann...KurtLewin...[andothers]The Philosophical Library[1946]
Other Libraries in Japan
VergiliusFerm edby ; Ferm,VergiliusTureAnselmThe Philosophical Library1945
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GEORGES GURVITCH/ed, WILBERT E.MOORE/edThe Philosophical Library1945
Other Libraries in Japan
Vergilius Ferm/edThe Philosophical Libraryc1945
Other Libraries in Japan
JosephT.Shipley ed.byThe Philosophical Library1945
Other Libraries in Japan
Maxim Newmark/edThe Philosophical Libraryc1944
Other Libraries in Japan
The Philosophical library[1946]<650.3-G287i>
National Diet Library
The Philosophical library[c1945]<203-F358e>
National Diet Library
The Philosophical library[c1945]<203-E56f>
National Diet Library
The Philosophical Library[1945]<422-S557d>
National Diet Library
The Philosophical library[c1945]<203-H358e>
National Diet Library
editor,HarryN.Rivlin ; associateeditor,HerbertSchuelerThe Philosophical library of New York city[1943]
Other Libraries in Japan
The Philosophical library of New York city[c1943]
Other Libraries in Japan
The Philosophical library of New York city[c1943]<370.3-R625e>
National Diet Library Gurvitch Georges and Moore Wilbert E.The Philosophical Libraryc1945
Other Libraries in Japan