by Sister Mary St. Lawrence, art, Marian Adachi, Mary Tachibana, Gene Young under the direction of Reverend Daniel J. Dever, endorsed by the Inter-Society Science Education Council of the Hawaiian Academy of Science and Associated Societies.The Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu[1962]<VE2-Y121>
Available onlineNational Diet Library
by Sister Mary St. Lawrence, art, Mary M. Tachibana, Gene Young, under the direction of Reverend Daniel J. Dever, endorsed by the Inter-Society Science Education Council of the Hawaiian Academy of Science and Associated Societies.The Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu[1962]<VE2-Y126>
Available onlineNational Diet Library
by Sister Mary St. Lawrence, art, Mary M. Tachibana, Gene Young, under the direction of Reverend Daniel J. Dever, endorsed by the Inter-Society Science Education Council of the Hawaiian Academy of Science and Associated Societies.The Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu[1962]<VE2-Y127>
Available onlineNational Diet Library
by Sister Mary St. Lawrence, art, Mary M. Tachibana, Gene Young, under the direction of Reverend Daniel J. Dever, endorsed by the Inter-Society Science Education Council of the Hawaiian Academy of Science and Associated Societies.The Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu[1961]<VE2-Y125>
Available onlineNational Diet Library
by Sister Mary St. Lawrence, art, Mary M. Tachibana, Walter N. Takeda, Gene Young, under the direction of Reverend Daniel J. Dever, endorsed by the Inter-Society Science Education Council of the Hawaiian Academy of Science and Associated Societies.The Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu[1961]<VE2-Y124>
Available onlineNational Diet Library
by Sister Mary St. Lawrence, art, Mary M. Tachibana, Gene Young under the direction of Reverend Daniel J. Dever, endorsed by the Inter-Society Science Education Council of the Hawaiian Academy of Science and Associated Societies.The Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu[1961]<VE2-Y120>
Available onlineNational Diet Library
by Sister Mary St. Lawrence, art, Mary M. Tachibana, Gene Young, under the direction of Reverend Daniel J. Dever, endorsed by the Inter-Society Science Education Council of the Hawaiian Academy of Science and Associated Societies.The Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu[1959]<VE2-Y123>
Available onlineNational Diet Library
by Sister Mary St. Lawrence, art, Mary M. Tachibana, Henry J.Y. Kam, primary teacher consultants, Sister Ann Christine, Sister Catherine Elizabeth, Sister Mary Helen Jean, Sister Jeanne.The Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu under the direction of Reverend Daniel J. Dever[1958]<VE2-Y122>
Available onlineNational Diet Library