byHanSuyin.Triad/Panther Books1982
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AldousHuxleyTriad/Panther Books1977.
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byEricaJong.Triad/Panther Books1977
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Han Suyin ; with an introduction by The Rt. Hon. Malcolm MacDonald P.C.Triad/Panther Books1978
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Ernest HemingwayTriad/Panther Books1977
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byChristopherIsherwoodTriad/Panther Books1977
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James Joyce ; with six drawingsby Robin JacquesTriad/Panther Books1977
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Virginia WoolfTriad/Panther Books1977
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Ernest HemingwayTriad/Panther Book1977, c1964
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Virginia WoolfTriad/Panther Books1977, c1928
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Ernest HemingwayTriad/Panther Books1977, c1937
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Ernest Hemingway ; introd. by David GarnettTriad/Panther Books1977, c1964
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