United States Department of Energy, Assistant Secretary, Fossil Energy, Office of Petroleum Reserves.United States Department of Energy[1990?]<Y622-B777>
prepared by the European Radiobiology Archives(ERA), G.B. Gerber ; U.S. National Radiobiology Archives(NRA), C.R. Watson ; Japanese Radiobiology Archives(JRA), T. Sugahara and S. OkadaUnited States Department of Energy1996
sponsored by UNITAR Centre for Heavy Crude and Tar Sands, United States Department of Energy ; co-sponsored by Petro︠leos de Venezuela, S.A., Alberta Department of Energy ; Richard F. Meyer editorUnited States Department of Energy, Bartlesville Project Office[1995]
United States Department of Energy, Assistant Secretary, Fossil Energy, Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves.United States Department of Energy, Assistant Secretary, Fossil Energy, Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves[1990?]<Y622-B778>