Institute of Social and Economic Research, University College of the West Indies1961.<338.1-E26r>
National Diet Library
Gertrude WilliamsUniversity College of the West Indies1953<VF8-4875>
National Diet Library
M. G. SmithUniversity College of the West Indies. Extra-Mural Department[1955]<VF8-4720>
National Diet Library
Routledge & Paul, in association with Institute of Social & Economic Research, University College of the West Indies, Jamaica[1956]<392.3-S657n>
National Diet Library
Institute of Social and Economic Research, University College of the West Indies[1962?]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)[Mona] Jamaica. University College of the West Indies. Institute of Social and Econ...
Routledge & Paul in association with Institute of Social & Economic Research, University College of the West Indies, Jamaica[1965]
Other Libraries in Japan
by David EdwardsInst. of Social and Economic Research, University College of the West Indies1961
Other Libraries in Japan
by S. St. A. ClarkeInstitute of Social and Economic Research, University College of the West Indies[1961]
Other Libraries in Japan
by M.G. Smith, Roy Augier, Rex NettlefordUniversity College of the West Indies, Institute of Social and Economic Research1960
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...leford, Rex M. University College of the West Indies (Mona, Jamaica). Institute of...
edited by G.E. CumperPrinted for Institute of Social and Economic Research : University College of the West IndiesUnited Printers , 1960
Other Libraries in Japan
by G. W. Roberts and D. O. MillsInstitute of Social and Economic Research, University College of the West Indies1958
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Vera RubinInstitute of Social and Economic Research, University College of the West Indies1957
Other Libraries in Japan
by Alfred P. ThorneInstitute of Social and Economic Research, University College of the West Indies[1955]
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingThorne, Alfred P. University College of the West Indies (Mona, Jamaica). Institute of...
by M.G. SmithExtra-Mural Dept., University College of the West Indies[19--]
Other Libraries in Japan
Institute of Social and Economic Research, University College of the West Indies
Other Libraries in Japan
by Arthur I. BloomfieldInstitute of Social and Economic Research, University College of the West Indies[19--]
Other Libraries in Japan