Melbourne University Press in association with the University of Papua and New Guinea [1972] <GJ8-5>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Sheldon G. Weeks University of Papua and New Guinea 1975
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Ann E. Jones, John Jones University of Papua and New Guinea 1974
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John Jones, Ann Jones University of Papua and New Guinea 1973
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edited by Marion W. Ward University of Papua and New Guinea 1973
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John Jones University of Papua and New Guinea 1972
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editor, Marion W. Ward ; manuscript editor, Sandra van Nuffel University of Papua and New Guinea 1972
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[by] H.C. Weinand, E.A. Young and D.A.M. Lea University of Papua and New Guinea 1972
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A.V. Surmon and R. Gerard Ward Dept. of Geography, University of Papua and New Guinea 1973
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[by] A.V. Surmon and R. Gerard Ward Dept. of Geography, University of Papua and New Guinea 1971
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University of Papua and New Guinea ;1970.
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edited by R. Gerard Ward, David A.M. Lea ; Cartography by Marlous Ploeg Dept. of Geography, University of Papua and New Guinea [1970]
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Melbourne University Press in association with the University of Papua and New Guinea [1972]
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Melbourne University Press in association with the University of Papua and New Guinea [1972]
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general editor, Peter Ryan Melbourne University Press in association with the University of Papua and New Guinea 1972
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Melbourne University Press in association with the University of Papua and New Guinea [1972]
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editor, Ronald J. May Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University 1972
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Linguistic Society of the University of Papua and New Guinea Linguistic Society of the University of Papua and New Guinea 1968-
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Volumes of this title edited by K. S. Inglis University of Papua and New Guinea c1971
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prepared by Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Papua and New Guinea Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Papua and New Guinea 1968-1974
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Author Heading University of Papua and New Guinea . Dept. of Anthropology and So... Volumes of this title