JamesBamberg edit. ; ValerieJohnson edit. ; StephenShaw edit.St Lves Westerham Press2009
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St Ives Westerham Press2009.4
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content and editorial control by Bamberg J.H, content and editorial control by Johnson Valerie, content and editorial control by Shaw StephenSt Ives Westerham Press Ltd.2009
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St Ives Westerham Press Ltd.2009.<DH26-B172>
National Diet Library
St Ives Westerham Press,2009.
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[edited by Gillian Mcgregor]Eva Svensson Westerham Press1977
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バーバラ・アダチ/著, ハリー・ペチノッティ/写真Westerham Press(印刷)1973
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interviews and text by Barbara Adachi ; photographs by Peccinotti ; drawings by Michael Foreman ; introduction by Bernard Leach ; [translated into the Japanese by G. Jason Choi] = [本文, バーバラ・アダチ ; 写真, ハリー・ペチノッティ ; イラストレーション, マイケル フォアマン][s.n.]c1973
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a festival promoted by the Poetry Book Society ; director of poetry productions, Douglas Cleverdon ; associate director, Garry O'Connor ; stage designer, Arthur Boyd ; folk song advisor, A.L. Lloyd[s.n.][1965?]
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