Search results 3,831
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....history of the Cuban revolution be......erspective the Cuban economic describes Cuba's recent econo......nd dynamics of Cuba's economic cha......erpretation of Cuba's socialism in......s to interpret Cuba's structural e......rary crises in Cuba, with a balanc......n American and Cuban Studies, Socialism Studies, ...
- Subject HeadingEconomic development--Cuba--History Cuba--Economic conditions Cuba--Economic policy
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingNational security--Cuba Crime forecasting--Cuba Crime--Political aspects--Cuba Democracy--Cuba Crime forecast......onal security. Cuba.
National Diet Library
- Summary, crisis in Cuba under the influence of advanc...
- Subject HeadingOlder people--Care--Cuba Older people--Cuba--Social condit......nal relations--Cuba Cuba--Social conditions--1990-
- Note (General) révolution cubaine. Une ethnographie, Paris: ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... policy toward Cuba that was desig......h the U.S. and Cuba, the book anal......tical effects. Cuba still had to f...... overthrow the Cuban Revolution by......written from a Cuban perspective of the U.S.-Cuban relationship during the 1960...
- Contents...policy towards Cuba The perspectiv......c isolation of Cuba in the hemisph......oreign Affairs Cuba responds to th...... policy toward Cuba Part 5. The de......1966-1968) The Cuban counterrevolution abroad
- Subject activities--Cuba--History--20th......errevolutions--Cuba--History--20th......ons, American--Cuba Counterrevolut......ign relations--Cuba Cuba--Foreign relat......-United States Cuba--Foreign relat......ent--1963-1969 Cuba. United States.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....he author uses Cuba as a case stud......k for a future Cuban democracy. Written in an eng...
- Contents... dictatorships Cuba : a historical......e Democracy in Cuba : a comparativ......ictatorship in Cuba : a comparativ......ork for a free Cuba Laws of politics : summary an...
- Subject Heading...mocratization--Cuba Cuba--Politics and ......ent--1959-1990 Cuba--Politics and government--199...
National Diet Library
- Summary, moments of Cuba's artistic evo...... trajectory of Cuban and Cuban-American art "Picturing Cuba explores the evolution of Cuban visual art and its links to cubanía, or Cuban cultural iden......ary periods of Cuban history, as w......he creation of Cuban art through s......lithographs of Cuba’s landscape, after the Cuban Revolution. T......ew identity—lo cubanoamericano, Cuban-Americanness—......experienced by Cubans who resettle......-revolutionary Cuban art in the Un......ssing works by Cubans on the moments in Cuban art across three centuries, ...
- ContentsIntroduction: Cuba, a moveable na...... / Jorge Duany Cuban colonial prin...... Years' War in Cuba (1868-1878) / ......lison Fraunhar Cuban painting at t......ys Alvarez The Cuban avant-garde a......ccessful here: Cuban women artists....../ Carol Damian Cuban architects at......jeune Concrete Cuba / Abigail McEwen Cuban photography a......n imaginary in Cuban visual arts /......the art of the Cuban diaspora: the...... Pau-Llosa The Cuban-American Exil...... of collecting Cuban-American art ......tte M.F. Bosch Cuban art in the di......ted States and Cuba and between Cubans on and off the island / Jor...
- Subject HeadingArts and society--Cuba--History Arts, Cuban--History Nati......alism and art--Cuba 15.85 history ......society. Arts, Cuban. Nationalism ......usstsein Arts--Cuba--Histoire. Art......Aspect social--Cuba--Histoire. Car......ère national--Cuba. Cuba. Kuba Cuba
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMixed economy--Cuba. Cooperative societies--Cuba. Cuba--Economic conditions--1990- Cuba--Commerce. Cuba--Economic policy.
- Note (General)...tor No-Estatal Cubano: (Madrid : Editorial Iberoa...
- Title HeadingVoces de cambio en el sector no estatal cubano. English Pitt Latin America...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingHISTORY / Caribbean & West Indies / Cuba. Cuba--History. Cuba.
- Note (Content)Cuba is a rare and ......nt future. But Cuba is more than a......e narrative of Cuban history nor a......nal history of Cuban culture. Inst......eader to enter Cuban history from the perspective...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMedicinal plants--Cuba. Traditional medicine--Cuba. Plants--Relig......teria. Plants--Cuba--Religious asp......--Ethnobotany--Cuba. Blacks--Ethno......onal medicine. Cuba.
- Note (General)Accompanying DVD has title: Cuban woodland : a prodigious univ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....tten about the Cuban Revolution, w......rgues that the Cuban working class......ortions of the Cuban working class......earch trips to Cuba under the ausp......e Institute of Cuban History in Ha......eral strike in Cuban history. He a......rking class in Cuban history."--Publisher's descr...
- Contents...ear of the new Cuba Conclusion: wh......d labor in the Cuban insurrection?
- Subject HeadingCuba--History--Revolution, 1959. Cuba--History--Revo......cial conflict--Cuba--History--20th......y. Revolution (Cuba : 1959) Social......cial conflict. Cuba.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....o years of the Cuban Revolution. R......ns prepared by Cuban experts José Bell, Tania Ca...
- Contents...ur country The Cuban people is an ......ible people In Cuba, there is a de...... class and the Cuban Revolution We have kept our ...
- Subject Heading...16. Socialism. Cuba--History--Revo......1959--Sources. Cuba--Politics and ......1990--Sources. Cuba.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction to the Cuban legal system ......laws regarding Cuba An analysis of......mbargo against Cuba Travel, migrat...... investment in Cuba Cuban banking laws ......nd regulations Cuban real estate laws Cuba's patent law Cuba's trademark la......aritime law in Cuba Environmental ......d mediation in Cuba.
- Subject Heading...ises, Foreign--Cuba. Trade regulation--Cuba. Investments, ......d legislation--Cuba. Business regulation. Cuba.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....música popular cubana, vibra en es......s referentes a Cuba y La Habana.
- Subject Heading...up) Composers--Cuba--Biography. Musicians--Cuba--Biography. Music--Cuba--History and c......Popular music--Cuba--History and c......Popular music. Cuba.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....oviet Union on Cuba. Rescuing Our Roots shows, vi...
- Contents...n migration to Cuba: the roots and...... identities in Cuba's special entré to Cuba.
- Subject HeadingBlacks--Cuba--Social conditions. Blacks--Cuba--History. Cuba--Race relation......ign relations--Cuba. Cuba--Foreign relations--Soviet Un...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Contemporary Cuba is opening up ......lobal reach of Cuban filmmakers wh...... facilities in Cuba itself, is oft...... filmmakers of Cuba have inspired ......s on authentic Cuban cinema. Whils......s diversity of Cuban cinema, inclu......uctions of the Cuban Film Institute (ICAIC) as we...
- History of Cuban Cinema: A Pen......n a History of Cuban Cinema (1959 ......ez Pitaluga 2. Cuban Cinema at the...... Production in Cuba / Jesús Guanc......greements of a Cuban Trilogy / Ale......n to Part Two: Cuban Cinema: Crisi......aron 5. Cubist Cuba: Memorias del ......ities in Three Cuban Films / Dunja......era and Barrio Cuba / Jessica Separation: Cuban Filmmakers Cr......Diasporic: New Cuban Cinemas in the United States...
- Subject HeadingMotion pictures--Cuba--History--21st century. Motion pictures. Film Filmproduktion Cuba. Kuba
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....shment of U.S.-Cuban relations, Cuba is poised for ......s what? In The Cuban Economy in a ......iew of how the Cuban economy reall...... two long-time Cuban analysts, Harvard's acclaime...
- ContentsCuba's economy at t......nalysis of the Cuban economic paradigm in Cuba; tethering in Cuba: a necessary s......anueva The new Cuban cooperatives:......ew policies in Cuba: the role of c...... Innovation in Cuban state enterpr......́rrez Castillo Cuba: notes on mult......ity of data on Cuban economic development: implic...
- Subject HeadingEconomic development--Cuba--History--21st century. Cuba--Economic cond......-21st century. Cuba--Economic policy. Cuba--Politics and government--21s...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....around race in Cuba and south Flor......y years of the Cuban revolution, D......efforts by the Cuban state to gene......ty. Drawing on Cuban and U.S. archival materials ...
- Contents... revolution in Cuba Not blacks, bu......e future: Afro-Cuban activists and......e in the 1960s Cuba calls!: exploi......n American and Cuban alliances for......volution: Afro-Cuban experiences after 1961.
- Subject HeadingRacism--Cuba. Cuba--Race relation......ntury. Blacks--Cuba--Social condit......ury. Equality--Cuba--History--20th century. Cuba--Politics and government--195...
National Diet Library
- Contents...La agresión a Cuba: una obsesión......inculpación a Cuba Zr/Rifle. Los asesinos.
- Subject Heading...age, Cuba--Relations--United States.
- Alternative TitleAsesinato de Kennedy y la inculpación a Cuba
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...Popular music--Cuba--20th century. Guitarists--Cuba--Biography. Gu......Popular music. Cuba.
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...983. Japanese--Cuba--Santiago de Cuba--Biography. Immigrants--Cuba--Santiago de Cuba--Biography. Japanese--Cuba--Santiago de Cuba--History--20th......y. Immigrants--Cuba--Santiago de Cuba--History--20th......y. Santiago de Cuba (Cuba)--Emigration and immigration-...