Search results 18,422
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....the context of Turkey-EU relations. The contributor...
- Contents...ns : exploring Turkey's political U-......he collapse of Turkey's the cost of Turkey's EU democrati......d Ahmet Sözen Turkey on the frontli......en's rights in Turkey : the effects ......ditionality in Turkey : applying a g......peanization of Turkey's environmenta......nalization and Turkey / Seven Erdoga......rticularism in Turkey's development assistance / Ve...
- Subject HeadingEuropean Union--Turkey European relations)--Turkey Democratization--Turkey European Union......ign relations--Turkey Turkey--Foreign relat......nion countries Turkey--Foreign relations--1980- Turkey--Politics and government--198...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....licies towards Turkey and uncovers t...... pitfall of EU-Turkey relations. It ...... discusses how Turkey's retreating d......n bears for EU-Turkey relations, reflects on Turkey's already clos......why and how EU-Turkey relations dete......he field of EU-Turkey relations, Turkish studies an...
- Contents... history of EU-Turkey relations Curr......allenges in EU-Turkey relations Revi......ety support in Turkey The impact of EU funds over T...
- Subject HeadingEuropean Union--Turkey. Civil society--Turkey. Political participation--Turkey. Democracy--Turkey. European Unio......ign relations--Turkey. Turkey--Foreign relat......ion countries. Turkey--Politics and government--21s...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAK Parti (Turkey) Regime change--Turkey Politics and g......Regime change. Turkey--Politics and ......--21st century Turkey.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....nic parties in Turkey, by comparing ......n the cases of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Malaysia, Russia...
- Subject HeadingAK Parti (Turkey) Political parties--Turkey. Turkey--Politics and ......nt. Democracy--Turkey. Islam and politics--Turkey. Political par......nd government. Turkey.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... strategies in Turkey. The key tools...... key moment in Turkey's recent histo...... Strategies in Turkey examines the t......oritise a "New Turkey" to replace Atatürk and his ...
- Contents...a, Islamism in Turkey and AKP's rise......mism in modern Turkey Necip Fazıl Kı......he West's anti-Turkey sentiment on E......a relations in Turkey Framing Erdoğan with Weber's...
- Subject Heading...yip. AK Parti (Turkey) Communication in politics--Turkey Communication ......nd government. Turkey--Politics and ......--21st century Turkey.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingRobert College (Istanbul, Turkey) Missions, American--Turkey. Missions--Pol......tical aspects--Turkey. Missions, Ame......tical aspects. Turkey.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingIslam and politics--Turkey. Turkey--Politics and ......ury. AK Parti (Turkey) Erdoğan, Rec......nd government. Turkey.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEuropean Union--Turkey European Union. Terrorism--Turkey--Prevention Di......m--Prevention. Turkey--Foreign relat......nion countries Turkey--Politics and ......ion countries. Turkey.
- Alternative TitleEuropean Union, Turkey and counter-terrorism
- Alternative TitleEuropean Union, Turkey and counter-terrorism
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMilli İstihbarat Teşkilatı (Turkey) Secret service--Turkey. Cold War. Turkey--Foreign relat......ign relations--Turkey. Turkey--Foreign relat......ign relations--Turkey. Turkey--Politics and ......nt--1960-1980. Turkey--Politics and ......Great Britain. Turkey. United States.
- Note (Content)...the UK, US and Turkey - from the end...... War until the Turkey's first milita......ration between Turkey and West, but also contribute...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Delving into Turkey's political pl......rdish party in Turkey's 2011 nationa......he book traces Turkey's handling of ......arty politics, Turkey, and the Middle East.
- Subject HeadingAK Parti (Turkey) Political parties--Turkey--History--21st century. Turkey--Politics and ......entury. Kurds--Turkey--Politics and ......nd government. Turkey.
- Is Format Of...ty politics in Turkey Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ;...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... of housing in Turkey from the policy, planning, an...
- Subject HeadingHousing--Turkey. Housing policy--Turkey. Housing. Housing policy. Turkey.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- a mayor in Turkey Municipalism between local an...
- Subject HeadingMunicipal government--Turkey--Konya. Konya (Turkey)--Politics government--Turkey--Eskişehir. Eskişehir (Turkey)--Politics and......tical parties--Turkey--History--21st......ury. AK Parti (Turkey) Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (Turkey)
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Turkey's EU accession...... to strengthen Turkey's democracy an......questioning of Turkey's 'Europeannes......s in and about Turkey and the EU, Lu......c framework of Turkey-EU relations started moving f...
- Subject HeadingEuropean Union--Turkey European Union......l psychology)--Turkey Belonging (Soc......tic relations. Turkey--Foreign relat......ign relations--Turkey European Union countries. Turkey.
National Diet Library
- movement in Turkey and the emergence of the AKP ...
- Subject HeadingAK Parti (Turkey) Turkey. Diyanet İşl...... and politics--Turkey--History. Islam and state--Turkey--History. Reli...... and politics--Turkey--History. Reli......ion and state--Turkey--History. Turkey--Politics and ......ion and state. Turkey. Islam Politik Religionspolit...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingInstrumental music--Turkey--17th century-......umental music--Turkey--18th century-......cism Peşrevs--Turkey--17th century-......cism Peşrevs--Turkey--18th century-......ticism Maqām--Turkey--17th century-......ticism Maqām--Turkey--18th century-......l music Maqām Turkey Maqām--Turkey
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....riable shaping Turkey's domestic pol......its neighbors. Turkey's relations wi......tial path that Turkey might face in interest in Turkey and the Kurdish issue, peacek...
- Subject HeadingAK Parti (Turkey) Kurds--Turkey--Politics and ......nd government. Turkey--Politics and ......nd government. Turkey.
- Alternative TitleTurkey and the Kurds
Authoritarian politics in Turkey : elections, resistance and the AKP (Library of modern Turkey ; 29)
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Turkey in the Twenty-......d We Get Here? Turkey's Slow Shift t......l Integrity in Turkey: From Tutelary......lic Finance in Turkey: Public Spendi......roject of "New Turkey"Bezen Balamir ......r and Islam in Turkey: The relations......of Religion in Turkey: Non-Muslims a......Information in Turkey: Death of the ......emonic tool in TurkeyDaghan Irak13. Epilogue: The D...
- Contents...d We Get Here? Turkey's Slow Shift t......l Integrity in Turkey : From Tutelar......lic Finance in Turkey : Public Spend......roject of "New Turkey" / Bezen Balam......r and Islam in Turkey : The Relation......of Religion in Turkey : Non-Muslims ......Information in Turkey : The Death of......emonic Tool in Turkey / Dağhan Irak Epilogue : The...
- Subject HeadingAK Parti (Turkey) Authoritarianism--Turkey. Authoritarian......nd government. Turkey--Politics and ......-21st century. Turkey.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDemocracy--Economic aspects--Turkey Democracy--Turkey Capitalism--Turkey Democracy--Eco......and government Turkey--Politics and ......rnement--1980- Turkey
National Diet Library
- Contents...plications for Turkey Plagued with c......-corruption in Turkey Initial misfit......onal change in Turkey's fight agains...... public sector Turkey's fight agains...... governance in Turkey : a cross-sectoral assessment...
- Subject HeadingPolitical corruption--Turkey. Public admini......upt practices--Turkey. International agencies--Turkey. European Union--Turkey. Turkey--Politics and government--21s...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....gotiations for Turkey's contentious ......f facilitating Turkey's EU accession, earning recog...
- Subject HeadingEuropean Union--Turkey. Lobbying--Turkey. Diplomacy. Turkey--Foreign relat......ign relations--Turkey. Turkey--Politics and ......ion countries. Turkey.